WhyJustRun is a web app and database for orienteering clubs. Clubs can post events, maps, results, and more. Information can be displayed in the WhyJustRun web app and through a club's own website using the WhyJustRun API.

Clubs using WhyJustRun

These clubs use WhyJustRun Clubsite as their main club website:
GVOC (Vancouver, BC), FWOC (Calgary, AB), SAGE (Southern Interior, BC), VICO (Victoria, BC), CCOC (Williams Lake, BC), KOC (Kimberley, BC), Stars (Waterloo, ON), ONS (Nova Scotia), AVOC (Annapolis Valley, NS), Whistler (Whistler, BC), SMOC (Southern Michigan), HPP (Canada), OAK (Vancouver, BC), PEI (Prince Edward Island), HOC (Halifax, NS), ARDF (Vancouver, BC), FSC (Nova Scotia), CVOC (Comox Valley, BC), SSO (South Shore, NS), and SOA (Saskatchewan)

There are other clubs that use the WhyJustRun event database to share their events with other clubs without using it as their primary website.


Core (whyjustrun.ca)

The core of WhyJustRun is the whyjustrun.ca website. It handles user sign in and provides APIs for other services to integrate with WhyJustRun. For the most part, you won't interact with it.

Clubsite (ex: gvoc.whyjustrun.ca)

The clubsite is the website for your club. There is lots of in depth functionality to help you organize events, do registration, and post results. You can use it just to enter data into WhyJustRun, or use it as your club's main website. It is very easy to set up. The best way to see the functionality of WhyJustRun is to try it!

Get WhyJustRun for your club (free)!


We have a user group where you can get help and discuss WhyJustRun with other users and the developers.

In addition, you can contact us directly at support@whyjustrun.ca.


We have a documented API so you can easily integrate WhyJustRun into your own website.


The WhyJustRun project was started in early 2011 by GVOC members Thomas Nipen and Russell Porter to replace the existing GVOC website. The website was designed so that other clubs could take advantage of the functionality. Over time, clubs have switched to use WhyJustRun for their club website.